Kanny moola (South -West corner)is a house is holy place of a house as per 'Vasthu shasthram'.It affects the health of ladies living in the house and the wealth of the owner of the house.For health and prosperity of inmates living in a house depending up on how kanny moola is maintaining.Following points are carefully to be noted.
It is an auspicious place for pooja room or study room.
Floor and roof of the room in kanny moola shall be higher than that of other room.
Money and ornaments are to be kept in South- West corner in a almarah facing to open North.
If there is a bed room in kanny moola ,lying by keeping head directed to South.
If there is Pooja room,the Idol is to be placed to facing East.
If there is Study room, the student must be sit at middle of the room to facing to East/North.
It is a suitable place of bed room for newly married couple.
But it is NOT used as bed room for grown up boys or girls.
Bath room or toilet is NOT be constructed in Kanny moola.
The Floor level should NOT be lower than that of the other rooms.
Number of windows are to be less.
The height of the compound walls in Kanny Mula is to be higher than that of Eashana Moola(North-East)
Waste pit should not be constructed at Kanny moola and drainage pipes are not to be directed to Kanny moola.
The inner measurements of the room is to be according to Vasthushasthram Measurment.
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