Sunday, 18 November 2018


When you draw a  two lines joining middle points of North-South and East - Wesst direction the compound is divided to four equal plots.

  1. plot in eashana (North- East)direction  called Manushyalaya khandam is auspecios for making dream home.
  2. plot in Agni konu (East-South)  called  yama khandam -it should be avoided to make house.
  3. Plot in nirythy konu(South-West) is called deva khandam-it is auspecios for making house
  4. Plot in vayu khandam (North-west) is called asura khandam-it should be avoidable.

Line joining middle points are called Suthras..there are Two suthras as follows.
  1. bramha suthra -line joining east -west
  2. yama suthra -line joining south- north
  3. karna suthra -line joining nirythy-eshana
  4. mrthyu suthra-line joining vayu konu-agny konu
they are important lines.these sythras should not passthrough middle ponts of house, pond well etc.
it is called suthra vedam.
If it passes through the house,make anarrow hole inits way.

*SUTHRAS -diagram

Thursday, 15 November 2018


While drawing a plan, the ratio of Breadth & Length of a house is important.There are  Four types of ratios.They are as follows.
  1. Samathayathkam Here Breadth &length are equal or more .
        The ratio of breadth to length would be 1:1. Ratio up to 1:1.24. lie under this head.        This ratio is acceptable to  houses.Following ratios also included.

        1:2 ,1:3,1:4,1:5,1:6,1:7 and so on

             2.  Padadikam  Half of the perimeter divided by 9.and 4 parts is width and 5 parts length then it is called Padadikam         Width:Length =4:5             or    1:1.25         Ratio up to Ardadikam (up to 1:1.49 )can be included  in this head .         This ratio is very auspicious.      3.  Ardadikam                 The ratio of width to length is  4:6                 or 1:1.5                 Ratio up to Padonan (up to 1:1.74 )can be called as ardadikam                  This ratio is also acceptable.
       4.  Padonam The ratio of bradth and length is 1:1.75  come under this head                   it is up to samathadikam (1:1.99)                  This ratio destroying should be avoidable.
        Note:-When correcting  to perimeter for suitable padoynic number we can       increasing/decreasing    breadth or length  with some extent,at that time  take care the ratio of breadth and length should not be in PADAYONAM.